AI generated call summary and transcript serviceCall recording transcript service provided for the Asterisk Plus application. https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/16.0/asterisk_plus/ |
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Amazon Odoo ConnectorAmazon Odoo Connector lets you establish seamless integration between your Amazon Seller Central Account & Odoo. Manage your products & orders effectively using Amazon Odoo Connector. |
2Packs |
Avatax ProxyAvailable on Odoo Online Service that allows computing taxes in the Avalara Tax Engine for Brazil. The credits acquired through these packages will be consumed in your production database each time a tax is computed. For more details on the credits consumption, you can consult the Brazilian Functional User Documentation. |
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Document DigitizationAvailable on Odoo Online Digitize your scanned or PDF vendor bills, expenses and resumes with OCR and Artificial Intelligence. |
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GSTR India eFilingGSTR India e-Filing |
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Hungarian Online InvoiceThe IAP credit is used by the module to send the NAV. When the module sends an invoice to the NAV system, one credit is deducted (sending an invoice to NAV costs one credit). |
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Indian EDIAvailable on Odoo Online Send electronic document to Indian government |
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Lead GenerationAvailable on Odoo Online Get quality leads and opportunities: convert your website visitors into leads, generate leads based on a set of criteria and enrich the company data of your opportunities. |
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MNB Exchange Rates for Invoices and Sales Odoo AppsThis module is able to download MNB (Hungarian National Bank) current exchange rates automatically and connect with your Odoo payment/sales/ecommerce activities. Get a localized technical module to update currencies according to the Central Bank of Hungary! |
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OdAS2 RapsodooOdAS2 Gateway |
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PLE ReportsPLE report generator in format TXT and XLS |
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Partner AutocompleteAvailable on Odoo Online Automatically enrich your contact base with corporate data. |
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Peruvian EDIAvailable on Odoo Online Service that allows sending electronic documents to the SUNAT. The credits acquired through these packages will be consumed in your production database each time an electronic document is sent. For more details on the credits consumption, you can consult the section Signature Provider in the Peru Functional documentation. Este servicio le permite enviar documentos electrónicos a la SUNAT. Gastará los créditos que compre en estos paquetes cada vez que envíe un documento electrónico. Para obtener más información sobre el uso de los créditos puede consultar la sección "Proveedor de firma digital" en la documentación de Perú. |
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Perú dataExtract the contact data by RUC and DNI. Get the Exchange rate daily. |
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PleoPull expenses from Pleo |
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SMSAvailable on Odoo Online Send SMS Text Messages to your contacts directly from your database. |
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Signer identification with itsme®Available on Odoo Online Ask document signatories in Odoo Sign to provide their identity using the itsme® identity platform. By combining Odoo Sign with itsme®, you can add an identification step in your signature flows and ask signatories to provide their identity through the itsme® platform, using their mobile device. Available in Belgium and in the Netherlands. |
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Snail MailAvailable on Odoo Online Send your customer invoices and follow-up reports by post, worldwide. |
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eInvoice ServiceeInvoice Service - Submit your invoice to Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) |
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eWayBill ServiceeWayBill Service |
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